Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vintage Zenith Goddess

This very well could be my favorite vintage find on Etsy! Wow, it's so cool. I could never part with this beauty if I was Johnny Vintage (the lucky shop that is selling this television).

I came across this incredible Vintage Zenith Television - which is titled "Zenith Goodness" on Etsy...however, my mind read "Zenith Goddess" - no kidding. To me, it is so I'm sticking with it!

It's so vintage modern looking with it's blue casing and large round knobs, sitting atop an atomic style wire stand. The fabulous mid century designs never cease to amaze me. Imagine this sitting in your 1950's living room blazing a classic black and white film. Oh my....

As Johnny Vintage describes this lovely is not for real use - although it works. These old TV's work with tubes and they get way too hot to use continuously. Eventually they'd burn out. Plus, this little TV can't keep up with today's technology. It would look fantastic in a mid century setting just as decor.


  1. That. Is. Awesome! Unfortunately, I can't afford to pay the $475 it's listed for but a girl can always dream :)

  2. I've seen that Etsy ad too - I'm on the lookout for an old TV. One of these day's I'll score one.

  3. Just found your blog while searching for pics and tidbits about my old Zenith. I bought mine about 10 years ago, and just now had to replace a few tubes. The tubes only cost about a buck or two each, except for two that go for 10 and 20 dollars apiece. I use it to play classic movies using a hidden DVD player. Not bad for $25 initial outlay!
