Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Friday - What I'm Loving Today

Nerd alert! Nerd alert! My geekery is showing!

I'm obsessed! How cute are these retro inspired computer accessories? I had to have the blue robot USB. So unnecessary but it's so cute. I'd smile every time I see it, so it's worth it right?

Robot USB Hub Can't wait for mine to arrive!!

Retro Block Flash Drive Reminds me of playing with these as a kid. I loved "boys" toys

Artist Series Mimobot 2G Flash Drives Love the vintage owl and little rainbow guy!

Star Wars Mimobot Flash Drives Oh my brother and I loved Star Wars! I wanted to be Princess Leah and him Hans Solo

IPOD Retro Mini Speaker Too cute, sound comes out of the little plus signs. Great idea!

All courtesty of one of my favorite sites to find fun, unique and cool gifts.

1 comment:

  1. Adorb! Thanks for the site reference, I'll have to check it!

    ps - thanks for the living room kudos, it's as mod as I can get living here in SD!

    pss - love your blog, keep up the nice work!
