Why am I seeing mustaches all over? It's true, the "stache" is a trend. Perhaps they have always been on-the-sly cool, but now they are especially hot.
Check em' out popping up everywhere:
Humanga Stache ball/mustache for dogs from Think Geek
Respect the Stache T-shirt from Aussie Company Zazzle
Mustache Necklace at Linens & Things
Felt Mustache Disguise by Lupin on Etsy
Mustache on a Stick from Maro Designs on Etsy
Mustache Mugs by Peteribrugger
Mustache Bandages from Urban Outfitters
and if you haven't laughed yet, visit the American Mustache Institute!
I just don't get it. I think there's some secret code to the stache trend that stupid people like me aren't getting and that makes the people who DO get the trend laugh and laugh! hope i'm wrong!