Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Mid Century Dining Chair

Though I love all things mid century and Danish I have a serious love affair with dining chairs.   Yes, my husband should worry.  If I could date a Danish dining chair, I would.

In one year I have switched out my dining chairs 3 times and finally settled on my set of 4 tripods.  I suppose I'd give up my tripods for a set of Niels Moller teak dining chairs if they crossed my path.

Here is one of my 4 tripods: 
Style attributed to Hans Olsen for Frem Rojle though mine are not marked so I don't know where they came from.  

What sparked this post?  Well I'll tell you!  I dropped in to one of my favorite Salvation Army stores this afternoon. On my way out I spotted a bin that had just been rolled out from the back.   "Self, I smell new inventory and I think I see a pointed leg sticking out"......could it be, could it be?   Yes!  A beautiful set of 6 Danish dining chairs.  What a find.

Due to our current torrential down pour I can't bring them in to photograph but that's on my list for tomorrow.  In the meantime, enjoy this eye candy.  Here are some of my favorites from Niels Moller and other greats...

Niels Moller, 1959 Curved Back Teak & Leather

Niels Moller, 1960's Slatted Back Rosewood & Paper Cord

Niels Moller, Style 64 Arm Chair 

Eames' Walnut DCM

Eames' Molded Shell Chair with Eiffel Base

Harry Ostergaard

 Kai Kristiansen 

Eero Saarinen's Tulip Chair 

Harry Bertoia's Side Chair 


  1. Holy Crap! What a mother load! I can't wait to see them. Are you gonna put the pics here or in a new post? Isn't having great timing just so Awesome! And really, great timing in my book is Luck multiplied by Persistence. All the whiners who say their Goodwill / Craigslist / Freecycle (or whatever) never has anything cool just aren't trying hard enough! Nothing Good is ever Easy!

  2. I'll put a new post as soon as I get some good light. It's been raining for days! Stop already!

    You are exactly right - luck x persistence. You have to keep looking regardless of how many times you're let down or walk out empty handed. It's what separates the boys from the men! LOL or in my case girls from the women! ha ha. It's not easy is it?

    Well said - nothing good is ever easy and this goes for everything in life huh?

  3. Fantastic find - can't wait to see! That 3 legged chair is pretty awesome. I looked forever for either a set of 6 armless Danish chairs or a set of 6 fiberglass shells for our dining table. I was close a couple of times but I always just missed out. Most sets I'd come across usually had at least one arm chair, which doesn't work for my table. I finally gave up looking and bought 6 white Jake chairs from Room and Board. I do love them but would have rather bought vintage. I just couldn't stand the miss matched junk I had any longer! Just this morning I found a set of 8 matching shells on craigslist that would have been perfect. I gave them some thought but decided not to call about them. Just wish they'd have shown up 2 years ago! I have a feeling I might regret not checking them out. It's not often you run across 8 matching shells!

  4. Thanks! Yes sets that all match are hard to come by. Same thing happened to me in all my hunting for a set of armless. The Jake chairs are beautiful though. I know how it gets - you just break down and get something new. I have a feeling you'll regret it too! Ahh, what to do? I say call!

  5. Do you know tripod chairs really well? As I just got one...but I swear it is not mid century...but that is the only ones I am finding!
    I would leave a photo, but do not think I can here. Email if you are interesting in helping figure this one out...
