Saturday, November 27, 2010

Vintage Gifts for $20 and Under

Time to get your shop on!   How about a vintage gift this year for your loved one?  
Why vintage you ask?  Yes, I'm pretty sure I just heard you ask that......

Because vintage is cool!  It has stories to tell and character that you'll never find in a new piece. It's lived history and been held and used by people years ago.  It has a look that will never fully be recreated or duplicated.  How cool is that?  Not cool enough?  

Then think about this, each time you purchase a vintage item you don't purchase something new, which has been mass produced and has contributed to more stress on our resources and environment.  

Just check out some of these fantastic vintage finds for $20 and under from Etsy:

Mid Century Wall Clock $20.00


  1. love the vintage pink dresser tin...thanks for including my shop in your round up!!

  2. I stumbled onto your blog from a retro owl search and I love it! I am your newest follower. :)

