Friday, November 12, 2010

Vintage Toys. My Christmas Wish List.

I just love vintage toys.  Aren't they so much fun?  They bring back so many warm, carefree childhood memories.  Here's a collection of favorites I created via Etsy Treasury:

and some of the bizarre, kitschy, creepy things that appeal to me....who knows why, I've loved horror movies since I was a child so somewhere, something went off course....


  1. Had the telephone and the fisher price people of course. For some reason we called them little people. weird. Anywho, we have so much in common cuz I see weird crap like those other photo's all the time and snap photo's on my camera phone then send to family. They think I'm crazy but they are creepy, funny and something you don't see everyday right?! The naked children are just . . . wow. THE EYES! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. All of these things are terrifying.

  3. and your Baba Yaga Doll is the MOST terrifying of all!

  4. I have the 1940s Pottery Guild Balloon Lady cookie jar that was my mom's when I was a kid. It looks similar to the Baba Yaga doll and was so frightening that it almost put me off sweets for life!
