Thursday, December 23, 2010

All my DUX in a row...

Well, rather my one DUX.  I wish I had a row!  I happened across this DUX chair on Craigslist on Sunday night.  Once in awhile a strange thing happens and somehow a "mid century" listing gets lost in the huge mix on Craigslist Los Angeles and goes unnoticed.  This was one of those times I guess because the posting was to expire in 1 day and it was still available, at a thrift store price.     I scooped it up on Monday.  Once the rain subsides here I plan to refinish it.  As is it looks pretty good though.

I am a HUGE fan of Wegner's Y and Wishbone chair so I just love the scooped back of this DUX.  The straight and angular legs are pretty attractive too.  Kind of Zelig looking no?  Not sure what I will do with this chair. I think it's destined for my Etsy shop. I really wish I could somehow have a huge room to "display" chairs.  I really would display them, like art.  It would look something like the chair display at Silica Three in North Hollywood.  Silica Three is a 12,000 ft warehouse full of to die for imported Danish furniture.....but at imported Danish furniture prices.   It's fun to browse and dream but I'll stick with my estate sales and thrift stores for my purchases.

Anyhoo, back to the DUX!   Here is my one lonely, but gorgeous chair: 

And more from the glorious DUX line courtesy Folke Ohlsson:

** And check out this post at Simplified Bee's blog to see pictures from the estate sale of Folke Olhsson's home in Northern California!  


  1. We had a set of four chairs without seats that we had bought for $20. We sold them not long ago for $50 or $60 because we'd had them a while and had been too lazy to get seats cut for them. We realized later they were DUX chairs! Argh!!!!

    Ah, the hard lessons of selling vintage furniture...

  2. My sister and her husband bought a sofa like the green one in 1965. Theirs was royal blue.

    It's still my favorite style of sofa.

    Came here from pinterest.
