Monday, January 3, 2011

It's Monday and back to reality! New shop items.

Well folks, it's back to reality.  My 2 weeks of holiday bliss are over...I'm sure you can relate. It's always strange getting back into the real world after 2 weeks of over eating & drinking, staying up/sleeping in, entertaining, and so on.   I was up early today and put in a full work day.   It's nice to be back on a schedule.  I like a routine in my chaotic life.

To give myself credit, I did man-up and got something done during my slob-fest, I mean holiday break; I created a website for Rhan Vintage.   I've been thinking about it for awhile and actually got it done in one evening because I got a wild-hair to knock it out and check it off the list.  What cha think?

And here's a peek at a few things that are going on Rhan shop tonight.  I managed to photograph them during a quick peek-through of sunshine today.  I need that natural light for good pictures.

Retro serving platter. Made in England, Ridgway Ironstone. Tyrol pattern. 
Crackers and tea anyone?    

Vintage lacquerware stacking boxes.  Made in Japan. 
I just love the retro pattern and orange interior.  

1950's Atomic ceramic ashtray.  
Love the shape and color of this.  Of course I want to keep it but I am already close to being an episode of Hoarders so I must let it go.  

Vintage teak 2-tier fruit bowl.
Isn't it lovely? I just love teak and the round shape of this is so pleasing.  

Vintage stacking coaster set.  Made in Japan.
I love things that stack. I love organized things. 

Set of 3 retro coffee mugs.  Vandor 1978.
How could you not love these?  I mean come on, rainbow handles? 

Of course this is just a slice of a gigantic pie of vintage items that are taking over my garage. It's a start though and my shop followers will be happy to see some fresh inventory.

New Year Resolution #1: Keep blog up!  Try to be more like Mr. Modtomic in that regard.  Dang he's good!  

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