Friday, January 21, 2011

Project Brasilia Restore has begun!

I dedicated a couple of hours to my Brasilia triple dresser yesterday afternoon. It was a warm but windy day.  It seemed right.

Here are the dreadful before photos of the dresser and 2 night stands: 

I'm just glad it was only 3 drawers painted black. The seller planned to paint the entire dresser.  It's also spray paint which is hard to get off and out of the wood grain.  Ugh. 

Yeah, it needs some love.

The two night stands have been sprayed to death. Don't worry little friends, I'll bring you back.

Stripping, stripping away. Not fun.  Trying to think of other things while I strip this puppy.   Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts. 

And a couple of hours and many, many sanding pads later, we have a near naked Brasilia dresser! Looks strange right?  

This afternoon I'll finish the curve door, the legs and the right side then it will be ready for detailing and a coat of pre-stain.  

It actually was not as bad as I was expecting. It must be because I love the line so much and am so happy to have my very own piece.

I hope to have the dresser complete by Sunday.  Keep you posted! The night stands might have to wait. I'm not looking forward to stripping them. That's the worst part.  


  1. oh you're a busy bee! did you sand that whole thing by hand?!?! your hard work will pay off, that is going to be 3 very beautiful pieces!

  2. No, I have an electric sander. I did have to strip the stain and sand the middle part though where the curves are. Yes, it's quite a job but I'll love it in the end!

  3. Good grief! You've done a BUNCH of work already. I was just telling Mr.Mod about a dresser we bought that had been partially painted with salmon-colored latex...but stripping it sounds like a walk in the park compared to what you've had to do. Yikes!

    It's going to be gorgeous when you're finished though.

  4. Hi Dana - It wasn't too bad thanks to all the flat surfaces - it makes sanding pretty easy. It's the chairs that kill me with all the curves and nooks and crannies. I need to rethink refinishing chairs. Have you posted a pic of the salmon dresser? Why do people do that?!

  5. I love the Brasilla line and it looks like you're doing a great job of restoring it. Looking forward to seeing the finihshed product.

  6. Just got an exact piece at auction tonight for $19. Two others at the same price. 2 are painted like yours was. I'll be srtipping the painted ones down. What color stain did you use for yours? I hope my pieces turn out as great looking as yours!
