Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mid Century Kitchens

Unfortunately our 1950's home had a hideous the rest of the house.  We ended up gutting the entire house and renovating.  I WISH it looked like this aqua kitchen.  If this had been the kitchen I would not have touched a thing:

Pictures of original 1950's Geneva cabinets for sale via Craigslist Los Angeles from a 50's home in the Pasadena, CA. area:

From the color, to the sizes and variation of cabinets, to the knobs and the yellow accent tile - I'd keep it all! Check out the built in planter by the window.  I'm in love!   See more pics from seller here

Other mid century kitchens to drool over...

Alluminare check out their fabulous post on mid century kitchens!

An original Eichler kitchen

Mid Century Living and more fantastic images at her Flickr page.

Um, yes please!  On Home Design

And our kitchen now and before.  Its an L shape that goes into the dining room on the sink side and the den/living room on the breakfast bar side:

Not exactly mid century modern but I think it goes great with our vintage/danish/modern vibe.

and this is the "before" picture, after we gut the hideous original. It was more gross 70's style and not a cool 50's-60's style.  I don't even have the before shots with the original kitchen because it was so bad.

What does your kitchen look like?


  1. I'd be in heaven if I had a kitchen like the one in the fifth long as I could paint the cabinets something besides beige.

    Beautiful post! I think most of us would love to make changes to our kitchen. As for me, I just want to get motivated to put the mid-century design wallpaper on the soffit in mine. I've had the wallpaper for over a year!

  2. Agreed, I love that one too. Is it true mid century wall paper or new made to look old?

  3. Wow I'm impressed and super uber jealous! Makes my kitchen post last spring so lame!
