Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Adopted Mid Century Daybed Sofa.

Happy Sunday!  Hope your weekend is going well.

I thought I would follow up on the adopted daybed sofa and let you guys see what it looks like in Darren's house. I think it's a perfect fit.  It's amazing how one piece can change the feel of a room.
What do you think?.....


Weekend update: I hit some (lame) sales yesterday morning and came home with only a handful of items.  I did pick up a really cool 1967 game called Insight.  It is full of 8 1/2" x 11" cards with some fantastic mid century images.  They'd be great to frame or this game would just make a cool display piece on a table: 

Insight desc: Do you have personality insight?  Do you see others as they see themselves?  Can you penetrate their masks? How inscrutable are you?  Do others see you as you see yourself? Play Insight and find out!

I also picked up this vintage black glass mannequin head.  Some strange things came out of the 60's huh?  It's weird, and I like it.  


  1. Oh yes! What a difference the day bed made. It looks like it was made for Darren's house.

    That game cover is a cool piece of artwork. Well found.

  2. The daybed looks perfect in Darren's house. He made an excellent choice.

    The game looks very interesting. I don't remember it at all, but the images are totally frameworthy.

  3. That really does look amazing. Of course, in that house, a cardboard box would probably look chic... It's gorgeous!

    I love these vintage board games. I have some kid's games I'm hoping to frame the boards of for the new baby's room. You just can't beat the colors and the graphics.

  4. I like that living room, but If I were to have all that stuff i would make it a bit more cozy with a full carpet. Thats just my opinion though...

  5. I would have to disagree with the carpet person, I think carpet would take away from furnishing/art/etc,. I like carpet but would leave out of Darren's house... looks like he has some neat looking throw rugs... also think the Fireplace makes the room pretty cozy.. !!!!
