I'm up to it again. You know you do it too. I sit and search through Craigslist Los Angeles with my favorite key words: mid century, danish modern, retro. If you want to spend lots of time, throw in: 1950's, 1960's, eames era, vintage, modern. I don't have money to spend or space for anything new, I just like to look. What's out there? Thanks for asking....
Oh, wow...I love the gray sofa and the Danish dropfront desk.
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing on Craigslist. Luckily..unluckily..rarely does a full page of any of the above come up in my area. Wish you could whisk some of those great finds to the midwest. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteatlantans know MCM..so its difficult to lay ur hands on anythign worthwhile :)...lovely finds
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! In Atlanta, you're lucky to find one such piece at a time; I seriously can't imagine seeing all of these in one sitting... I'd probably pass out from the excitement.
ReplyDeleteI swear that people in the Atlanta area mainly bought colonial and Early American when everyone else was buying MCM. At least it makes it that much more fun when you find something perfect!