Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Danish Modern Rocking Chair....Again......

Remember this post about a Danish Modern rocking chair I was drooling over at $100 on Craigslist?  I tried to get it back then but so many people made offers over the asking price that the seller "decided to keep it."  Well, it's back on Craigslist for $250.   It's a good deal still at $250, though I can't splurge on it right now.   Oh, I'd looooove to have it but I have to pass.  (Big sigh). I hope it goes fast so I don't have to keep seeing it while I search Craigslist. 

Besides, I was a little turned off to rockers for my baby's nursery when other Mommies (and my Mom) said "Oh no, do not get them used to rocking or they will want it all the time and won't sleep without it".  Scared me off!

Ahhh isn't it gorgeous??

Any takers?  For sale in Sherman Oaks, CA. for $250.  See the listing here


  1. If I lived there, I'd scoop that up!

  2. Craigslist always leaves me feeling somewhat manic. One day I'm ecstatic because I pulled off a great score, then the next I'm heartbroken because the seller won't respond, someone snaked my item from under me, etc. It's a bit of an emotional roller coaster.

    By the way, what is that gorgeous sofa in the background? It looks like a Macy's Corona, but I can't quite make it out.

  3. Well, I WISH my babies had gotten used to a rocker! At least 2 of my 3 liked to be carried around while they fell asleep. They'd cry bloody murder if I actually rocked them comfortably. That really is a gorgeous rocker. I'd either take the splurge or convince myself it'd be way uncomfortable to sit in.

  4. Agreed, CL can be quite an emotional roller coaster! I thought the same thing - gorgeous sofa.

  5. It's not craigslist, but its cheap and Modernica...

    $99 - $129.

    happy shopping.
