Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's a Mid Century Chair Parade!

It's been a week of chair overload, and I love it!  I have a chair crush, along with clocks and lamps.

And drum roll pleeaaase....... my dream chairs have come true.  I now own a pair of Z chairs :)


  1. Some very nice chairs indeed! Those Z chairs are sweet!!

  2. Chair bonanza, for sure! I love the dining chairs...but your Z chairs are fabulous. Yay! I'm so glad you got them. I love the upholstery fabric. They're simply gorgeous.

  3. awesome find...they are the coolest looking z chairs!!!!

  4. That's a lot of great chairs! I love those dining chairs and of course the Z is awesome.

  5. Thanks for following my blog. I just started following yours. It is inspiring to see another picker who has a taste so similar to yours. Purhaps my wife and I will see you at the rosebowl market some day

  6. I have a chair like the second one down sitting at my work and it takes everything in me not to steal it and take it home.
