Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Minimalist Modern Barstool Hunt.

Happy New Year everyone!  I've had the bug to change some things up in my home for awhile now, so I'll use the new year as an excuse to "freshen up"...right?   

My latest hunt is for modern, minimal, backless barstools.  Say that 5 times fast.  I've been browsing Craigslist obsessively, just waiting for that ultimate score to pop up and pounce on. Hasn't happened yet. ;D  

In the meantime, I've browsed and found some pretty dreamy chairs, but put a huge emphasis on the "dream" part. Check out the prices for beauty like this!  Oh, my champagne taste and beer budget conundrum.  Sigh.  

Not too badly priced actually

Carney Barstool $480 for 4 
Not bad either, but I only need 2.


  1. Happy New Year dear!!! Love these stools, I would die to have a few in our new kitchen.

  2. All great stools. I bet the perfect ones appear out of nowhere soon. I've always said I'll have to build a bar someday just so I can have Cherner bar stools!

    Happy, happy new year to you and yours!

  3. Ah yes, the Cherners are amazing too! Thanks for the comments ladies!
