Just when you think you've seen it all, a little gem like this pops up. Featured for sale on Craigslist Los Angeles, this awesome teak wood, danish modern, mid century bar cabinet with built in refrigerator. This is one of my favorite sellers on CL L.A. because s/he has the most incredible pieces. Where oh where do you find them??
This unique Danish Modern bar/refrigerator is cleaned, polished, and ready to enjoy!
42"W x 32"H x 21.5"D
Call him/her at: 949-413-6720
$925 for sale as of 12/1/13 here
Vintage Danish Modern Teak Refrigerator/Bar Credenza.
This vintage Danish Modern Teak Bar Credenza has a working aqua colored refrigerator! Completely self-contained, this bar has everything you need! As you open the brass handled door on the left, an asymmetrical storage area is lined in beautiful birch. Behind the right door is a working refrigerator with metal shelving. The fridge door is attached to the teak door and snuggly closes to keep the appliance sealed, and the cold air in.This unique Danish Modern bar/refrigerator is cleaned, polished, and ready to enjoy!
42"W x 32"H x 21.5"D
Call him/her at: 949-413-6720
Oh, wow...That's amazing! I wasn't expecting the fridge.