Monday, September 19, 2011

Mid Century Bar. Finally Refinished!

Remember the mid century modern bar I wrote about in January?  Well, it only took 9 1/2 months but we finally got around to refinishing the bar.  It would have happened sooner but just around the time the weather got nice for outdoor refinishing I conceived and I was unable to do the work.   Finally, here we are in late September and it's complete and ready for sale:

this is what I call "dead" wood...

voila, brought back to life!

We ended up taking out the pre-cut circle cup holder piece because it was really warped and beyond repair. It was a thin piece of pressed wood, while this is real wood underneath. Much better I think.

We would actually love to keep this but we truly do not have a space for it.  Need a bigger house I guess!  My husband just loooooves when I say that.  Not!


  1. looks excellent...u can make it more usable without the cup holder thing i looks cool...i can wait to see how u finish up the walldivider/desk u bouhgt last week

    In the meanwhile, hope ur little one is not troubling u much :)

  2. Thanks Sudha! So far I feel great! Since I got through the horrible first trimester it's been a breeze.

  3. That looks lovely; nice job with the TLC.

  4. wow. super gorgeous! nicely done. the wait was worth it.

  5. It looks fabulous! I love it! And like Sudha, I can't wait to see the wall unit too.

    Glad you're feeling good and the pregnancy is going well. I also can't wait to see your new little vintage collector.

    The other day, I asked my 23-month-old grandson what his dad was doing, and he piped up with, "Dada buyin' fun-cha." We're going to make a little picker out of him yet! :)

  6. Dana, that is so adorable and funny! I don't see how my little guy won't end up being a picker, or at least have an appreciation for vintage. My husband and I say he's going straight into the Bjorn with a little hat and coming to sales with us!

  7. Nice job! I have a few things I need to redo as well. I hope I can do as good a job as you!

  8. Ohhh my....I'm picking my jaw up off the keyboard. Simply FABULOUS! Beautiful job. I want it! (these blogs are just downright dangerous to the well being of one's heart - I think I'd better get off here & go eat oatmeal ;- )

  9. Love it! You did a fantastic job!
